Pontec Pondo Air Set

Oase  |  SKU: 200595-1
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Pontec – Koi-Produkte
• Hersteller: PfG GmbH
• Anschrift: Tecklenburger Str. 161 48477 Hörstel
• E-Mail: info@pontec.com
• Website: pontec.com

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Standard: 2–4 Werktage, 5,90 € (ab 49 € kostenlos)
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0–5 kg: 7,50 €, 2–8 Werktage
5–10 kg: 9,90 €, 2–8 Werktage
10–25 kg: 13,90 €, 2–8 Werktage
25–30 kg: 19,90 €, 2–8 Werktage

Versand Frankreich & Italien:
0–5 kg: 13,90 €, 2–8 Werktage
5–10 kg: 14,90 €, 2–8 Werktage
0–25 kg: 19,90 €, 2–8 Werktage
25–30 kg: 24,90 €, 2–8 Werktage

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Pontec Pondo Air Set

The The PondoAir Set air pump set provides additional ventilation and a good climate in the pond.

Good air for the pond: the PondoAir Set 200 air pump set provides additional valuable oxygen for flora and fauna. With a power consumption of only 4 watts, it contributes to a balanced pond climate and relieves the strain on the filter. The membrane pump is protected from splash water thanks to the IP 44 safety technology. At 200 l/h it pumps the air bubbles into the water through two air stones. The scope of delivery includes two air hoses of 5 m each, 2 air vents and 1.5 m rubber cable. Our quality promise: 2 year guarantee!

Good air for the pond: the PondoAir Set 450 air pump set provides additional valuable oxygen for flora and fauna. With a power consumption of only 6 watts, it contributes to a balanced pond climate and relieves the strain on the filter. The membrane pump is protected from splash water thanks to the IP 44 safety technology. At 450 l/h it pumps the air bubbles into the water through two air stones. The scope of delivery includes two air hoses of 5 m each, 2 air vents and 1.5 m rubber cable. Our quality promise: 2 year guarantee!

Good air for the pond: the PondoAir Set 900 air pump set completes the Pontec air pump range and provides additional valuable oxygen for plants and animals. With a power consumption of only 12 watts and a pleasantly quiet running, this set is c. Thanks to the IP 44 safety technology, the membrane pump is protected from splash water. At 900 l/h it pumps fine air bubbles into the water through two air stones. The scope of delivery includes two air hoses of 5 m each , 2 air vents , 2 Y-distributors and a 1.5 m rubber cable with Schuko plug . Our quality promise: 2 year guarantee!

The Pontec PondoAir Set 1800 is an easy-to-install complete air pump set for the reliable supply of oxygen to the pond water. The set is suitable for outdoor use and consists of a quiet-running air pump with an output of 1,800 l/h , an air distributor, 4 x 5 m air hose as well as 4 air stones and replacement membranes . The pump is splash-proof ( protection class IP44 ).

The Pontec PondoAir Set 3600 is an easy-to-install complete air pump set for the reliable supply of oxygen to the pond water. The set is suitable for outdoor use and consists of a quiet-running air pump with an output of 3,600 l/h , an air distributor, 4 x 5 m air hose as well as 4 air stones and replacement membranes . The pump is splash-proof ( protection class IP44 ).