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Brilliant Health Koi

BHK Bacteria 5 Dry

BHK Bacteria 5 Dry

Regular price 24,90 €
Regular price Sale price 24,90 €
Unit price €24,90  per  kg
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Bacteria 5 Dry is a mineral mix + bacterial strain and an absolute premium product among natural water improvement products for your pond. Bacteria 5 Dry is a purely natural product that contains a clay mineral mix. It stimulates the breakdown of feces and waste (including in the pipes). Bacteria 5 Dry binds oxygen better to the water. In addition, it improves the mucous membrane and the whiteness of the koi. The PH value is positively influenced by more active bacteria. Bacteria 5 Dry slows down the growth of filamentous algae and thereby improves pond hygiene and the breakdown of waste. It ensures good and clear water. It is enriched with active dry bacteria for even more activity in your filter.

Dosage & Application:

7 grams per 1000 liters of pond water weekly. In winter 3.5 grams per 1000 liters of pond water weekly.

Mix BHK Crystal Clear + Bacteria 5 Dry in a bucket with some pond water. Stir well and let sit for 10 minutes, then stir again and spread over the pond.

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    From a minimum order value of 49€ we offer free shipping within Germany. The free shipping does not apply to Koi shipping and freight forwarding goods